Noe . Accounin poic
At the acquisition date goodwill is recognised
in the balance sheet at cost as described under
Business combinations. Subsequently, goodwill
is measured at cost less accumulated impairment
losses. Goodwill is not amortised but is tested for
impairment at least once a year. Goodwill is written
down to the recoverable amount if the carrying
amount is higher than the computed recoverable
amount. The recoverable amount is computed as
the present value of the expected future net cash
flows from the enterprises or activities to which the
goodwill is allocated. Impairment of goodwill is not
The carrying amount of goodwill is allocated to the
Group’s cash-generating units at the acquisition
date. Identification of cash-generating units is
based on the management structure and internal
financial control.
Intangible assets
Trademarks are initially recognised at cost.
Subsequently, trademarks are measured at cost
less accumulated amortisation and impairment.
Trademarks are amortised on a straight-line basis
over their estimated useful lives up to no more
than 10 years.
Software development projects
Software development projects are capitalised
when they are clearly defined and identifiable
when the technical equality, sufficient resources,
and a potential future market or potential for use
in the group can be demonstrated and where it is
intended to manufacture, market or use project.
These assets are recognised as intangible assets
if the cost price can be reliably determined and
there is sufficient reasonable assurance that future
earnings or the net selling price may cover produc-
tion, sales, administration and development costs.
Other development costs are recognised in the
income statement under other external costs.
Development projects are measured at cost less
accumulated amortisation and impairment losses.
Cost includes salaries, depreciation and other
costs attibutable to the Group’s development
activities and borrowing costs from specific and
general borrowing that relate directly to the devel-
opment of development projects.
Upon completion of the development work, devel-
opment projects are amortised on a straight-line
basis over the assessment period economic life
from the time the asset is ready for use.
The amortisation period usually constitutes 3-5
years. The amortisation basis is reduced by any
Property, plant and equipment
Land and buildings, plant and machinery and
fixtures and fittings, other plant and equipment are
measured at cost less accumulated depreciation
and impairment losses. Cost comprises the pur-
chase price and costs of materials, components,
suppliers, direct wages and salaries and indirect
production costs until the date when the asset is
available for use.
Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis
over the expected useful lives, which are 3-5 years
for operating assets and equipment, and 3-5 years
for leasehold improvements.
Business combinations
Business combinations are accounted for using
the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition
is measured as the aggregate of the consideration
transferred, measured at acquisition date fair value
and the amount of any non-controlling interest in
the acquiree. For each business combination, the
Group elects whether it will measure the non-con-
trolling interest in the acquiree at fair value or at
the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifi-
able net assets. Acquisition-related costs are ex-
pensed as incurred and included in other external
When the Group acquires a business, it assess-
es the financial assets and liabilities assumed
for appropriate classification and designation in
accordance with the contractual terms, economic
circumstances and pertinent conditions at the
acquisition date.
Goodwill is initially measured at cost, being the
excess of the aggregate of the consideration
transferred and the amount recognised for the
non-controlling interest over the net identifiable
assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
Lease agreements
The Group has lease contracts for leaseholds,
vehicles and other equipment used in its oper-
ations. Lease of leaseholds generally has lease
terms between 3 and 5 years, while vehicles
generally have lease terms between 5 and 6 years.
Generally, the Group is restricted from assign-
ing and subleasing the leased assets. There are
several lease contracts that include extension and
termination options and variable lease payments.
These options are negotiated by the management
to provide flexibility in managing the leased-as-
set portfolio and align with the Group’s business
needs. The Management exercises significant
judgement in determining whether these ex-
tension and termination options are reasonably
certain to be exercised.
HusCompagniet Annual report 2021
98 / 132
con note 4.4