At HusCompagniet, we are committed to acting decently and responsibly in all of our business activities, and we have a strong reputation that we wish to maintain and safeguard. We have therefore introduced a whistleblower-system where employees, business partners and other stakeholders can report matters which can help us prevent breach of law, economic losses and damage to our reputation.
In the whistleblower-system you can quickly and easily report concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that can affect the HusCompagniet’s Group or the wellbeing of people.
You can use the reporting system to report breaches of our policies, code of conduct or violations of law.
Reports on employee related matters such salaries or cooperation difficulties should be made to your manager or via the usual internal channels. Complaints about HusCompagniet's products etc. should be made to your contact person with HusCompagniet. Reports concerning these matters will be deleted and the report will be closed.
False accusations or deliberately untrue information may cause serious harm to our Group and must not be reported.
Your reporting is important to us and you are protected in accordance with applicable legislation for speaking up in good faith. However, such protection does not apply in case of maliciously made false allegations or allegations which, all circumstances considered, are unreasonable.
Link to reporting system: https://huscompagniet.whistleblowernetwork.net