Sustainability is an integral part of HusCompagniet’s strategy and business model.
Sustainability is embedded in the way we do business throughout HusCompagniet, from Board oversight to integration in our operating model. The HusCompagniet Board of Directors has the ultimate oversight of sustainability matters, including those related to climate. The Executive Management team is responsible for assessing and managing sustainability matters, including climate-related risks. In 2022, an ESG Steering Committee was established, counting Executive Management and those responsible for Marketing, Purchasing, and Business Development. In 2023 the committee’s area of focus was extended to encompass social and governance-related topics.
The impacts of climate change are wide-ranging, from physical events such as flooding, extreme weather events, water, and heat stress to climate-related displacement and subsequent population movement, all of which have implications for business in the future. The climate transition also presents significant opportunities for HusCompagniet and others. As a house builder, we have an impact on climate change, which we address across the lifecycle of a house. HusCompagniet's vision is to set a new standard for sustainable construction and change the way people think and talk about house building and sustainable living.
HusCompagniet is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and committed to upholding the ten principles of human rights, labour rights, anti-corruption, and the environment. Our response to the Communication on Progress (CoP) questionnaire is publicly available and can be found here.
For 2023, our sustainability reporting has been restructured in preparation for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) which HusCompagniet is required to comply with from 2025 onwards. Read our latest full sustainability statement in our annual report.