Governance Documents
HusCompagniet is committed to ensuring good corporate governance and create transparency around the Company’s affairs in order to maintain the trust of the Company’s shareholders and stakeholders.
As a company with shares admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, HusCompagniet is subject to the Recommendations on Corporate Governance issued by the Committee on Corporate Governance.
In all material respects, HusCompagniet complies with 46 out of the 47 Recommendations on Corporate Governance. HusCompagniet has decided to deviate from one recommendation by deciding not to publish quarterly reports. HusCompagniet believes that publishing trading statements for Q1 and Q3 will provide shareholders and other relevant stakeholders with sufficient information on the company’s financials.
HusCompagniet’s corporate governance statement includes a summary of the company’s governance structure, a description of the internal control and financial reporting procedures, the company’s position on the Recommendations on Corporate Governance as well as explanations for recommendations that HusCompagniet has opted to deviate from.
The corporate governance statement and other key policies and documents are available on this page.