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Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2024

This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 10:00 am (CEST) at Bech-Bruun, Gdanskgade 18, 2150 Nordhavn, Denmark. 

The Annual General Meeting will be held as a physical meeting with live webcast which can be accessed here:

Questions about registration, notification of participation or voting (including proxies and postal votes) as well as use of the shareholders portal can be directed to Computeshare’s helpdesk at or by phone to +45 45460997 (weekdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (CET) and during the meeting).

Questions from shareholders

Prior to the Annual General Meeting, shareholders may submit questions relating to the documentation to be considered at the General Meeting, including the annual report and the remuneration report, to HusCompagniet A/S in general or to the agenda. Questions can be submitted by email to
Questions from shareholders submitted prior to the Annual General Meeting will, as far as possible, be answered in writing prior to the Annual General Meeting. Questions and answers will be published on this website.  

Minutes annual general meeting 2024

Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2024

Proxy & Postal vote form

Annual Report 2023

Remuneration Report 2023

Remuneration Policy (revised with track-changes)

Articles of Association (revised with track-changes)


Please note that the Annual General Meeting will be conducted in Danish and all representatives of HusCompagniet A/S, and the chairman of the Annual General Meeting will make their presentations and answer questions in Danish only. Shareholders may choose to submit questions and comments in Danish or in English. Simultaneous interpretation from Danish to English (and from English to Danish where relevant) will not be available.

Registration and participation

Attendance to the Annual General Meeting requires admission card. Admission card must be ordered no later than Friday, 5 April 2024 at 11.59 pm (CEST). Admission cards are ordered electronically via the Shareholder Portal which can be accessed here.

Shareholders may choose to attend the Annual General Meeting by submitting proxy or a postal vote. Computershare A/S must have received the proxy no later than Friday, 5 April 2024, at 11:59 pm (CEST), and the postal vote must be received no later than Wednesday, 10 April 2024, at 11:59 am (CEST). Please make sure to register your name and email address and the name and email address of your proxy holder in the Shareholder Portal here.

Shareholders may also submit a proxy or postal vote by email or ordinary mail using above proxy & postal vote form.

Shares and voting rights

The total nominal share capital of HusCompagniet A/S is DKK 108,550,000 divided into shares of DKK 5. Each share of nominally DKK 5 carries five votes (108,550,000 votes in total).

Directions and parking

Directions to the venue and guest parking can be found here.

Annual General Meeting 2023

Voting results of AGM 2023